Complete reflection over the 4 weeks

Now we have come to the end of our 4 weeks, I am reflecting on how it went, how I feel and what I think I can do better in the future.

Firstly, I think the workshop ran really well over the 4 weeks, there were times where on the day we had to change ideas or what we were doing and do them on the spot. We took on the challenges really well and supported one another all the way through the process.

The children within both Chandos and Regents Park were challenging. At first, both schools had children who did not want to take part and thought to make it a challenge for us to teach them. But despite this, we pushed further and by around week 2/3 we got them to play through drama which bought their focus back. Both of my groups in both schools were hard, there was at least one or two students that didn’t want to take part at all and disrupted the other students, but I managed to get them involved on their own and pushed their ideas a lot further. Both schools took on the drama really well and each week tackled every task we gave them. They all gave ideas and we pushed a lot of the children out of their comfort zones. A lot of teachers said they had students who wouldn’t speak in class actually take part in our workshop and give ideas, so it was nice to see we were able to help these children gain more confidence.

I feel as if I definitely need to improve on my classroom management as both groups were struggle and I couldn’t control them a lot of the time so therefore I needed help. I felt as well, I should of pushed myself out of my comfort zone and took on the role of facilitator because when watching it, it looks fairly easy but because I don’t have enough confidence within myself I felt this would get in the way and knock the workshop down a lot.

Over all, I am really happy with how the 4 weeks went and I am happy with my participation within the team.

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