Monday 25th September 2023

Shoes: New pair of Doc Martins, elderly people shoes with lifted fronts.

Shoe number 2: His wife bought him a pair of shoes and their puppy chewed the front of them, that’s why they are lifted. The wife and puppy passed away and so he kept the shoes as it is all he has left (10 years dead.)

Old man’s house set on fire and the only things that could be saved were his shoes and a cardboard box of memories from when he was a fireman.

The old man’s shoes were originally his dads that were passed to him before he died. He kept the shoes ever since as a memory of his dad and took them everywhere with him.


Ideal centre (warming), crossing the threshold and staccato/legato.

SHOES: Dishonourable discharge (army, police officer)


“If you put your left foot in first it brings good fortune for the day. If you do the right foot first it brings bad fortune for the day.”

“If you put boots on a table, you will quarrel with someone soon.”

“If you put boots higher than your head at night, you will have a restless night sleep.”

“To walk along wearing only one boot will bring you as many bad days as steps taken.”

“Leaving shoes upside down will bring bad luck. It resembles the shape of a coffin and therefore is seen as a symbol of death.”

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